This is the story about one bad ass goat. He likes to break the rules and do things his own way. F what anyone else thinks or says! They can all kiss his butt!
Well, one day, this goat decided that he was not going to eat any more grass, and he was not going to suffer through anymore cans! He deserved more out of life than crap like that!
So, he goes on a walk, and while on the walk smells the most delicious thing he has ever smelled in all of his young life! OH! Its bacon! I have heard about bacon, but have never had it! I have got to try and get some of that stuff...
So with a rumbling tummy and a drooling mouth, he inched closer and closer to his prize.
And off he ran with the yummiest bacon in the world hanging from his mouth! He could hear someone's sad cries, but he refused to look back. He is a bad ass. And he does what he wants.
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