Monday, March 14, 2011

Dolphins are dumb.

You know... People always say that dolphins are just so smart. That there is no creature on God's green Earth that is smarter than a dolphin! Well my friend, I am going to prove you wrong today! While it is true that in the sea, they are smarter than a lot of the other animals, there are many circumstances that prove dolphins to be retards, time and time again!

One example is when they think that they can just swim onto shore and hang out! Like people actually want them there! Well, hells no you damn dolphins! We will show you!

And then those dolphins think that everyone wants to catch them and have them as pets! No you dummys! Those nets are for the tuna fish! I hope you die and I hope that it hurts like hell!

And the last example, my friends, that I will leave you with today, is how dolphins are dumb on the grill. They think that it is just a nice warm bed for them to lay on and warm up on a chilly autumn day. Well, "Ha!" I say! You are going to be cooked and you will fill our tummys with yummy, yummy dolphin meat!


  1. Dolphins are soooo dumb. Sharks, not so much. Sharks are super smart, but they know it. They're the equivalent to a yuppy Yale student whose idea of a good time is drinking some bubbly on Daddy's yacht while wearing a monocle.

  2. I agree.
